Intermittent Fasting , 10 Helpful Tips

As you are getting into your fasting routine, consider these little tips and tweaks. Most of them are just plain common sense but it’s helpful to keep them in mind.

1. If you are a woman, you need to make sure you are taking a good iron supplement. Make sure to get a lot of calcium into your diet as well. Some women may also experience irregular periods due to the hormonal changes caused by intermittent fasting. This is why intermittent fasting is not recommended for women who are trying to conceive.

2. Stay hydrated. It's vital that you remember to drink plenty of water while you're fasting to avoid dehydration. Use your phone alert to remind you to drink a glass of water every hour or so. Water also dulls hunger so that's an added bonus.
Unsweetened herbal tea, hot or cold is another great alternative. A word of warning here: caffeine does not fall into this category, so don’t go overboard on coffee and tea. A cup of unsweetened coffee or tea to perk you up in the morning should really be the limit. If you are unable to take them black, add a few drops of milk or cream.

3. Get into the sun.
Sunlight helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm and will help your body cycle adapt to fasting much faster. Sunlight is also a powerful source of vitamin D. Try to get out into the sun as much as you can. If you are unable to do so, consider a vitamin D supplement.

4. Don’t be a hero. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to intermittent fasting. If, after a time, you simply can't function normally and the hunger and discomfort are just too extreme, it's time to call it quits.  There's no point in continuing if it feels like torture, or if it is debilitating. It doesn’t mean you're weak or that you lack willpower, it just means that like many other people, your body is just not made for fasting. You will never be at a loss when it comes to alternatives. You could try carb cycling or any other eating plan that does not require fasting.

5. Eat slowly when you break your fast. The first couple of times you fast, you will tend to be so hungry that you will eat quickly and end up feeling pretty uncomfortable. When you sit down to eat, be mindful of eating slowly and taking small mouthfuls. Don’t drink water during the meal. Chew slowly and savor every mouthful so that you avoid feeling bloated and sick after eating.

6. Don't overeat. Remember when you break your fast, you will have an extended eating window where you can continue to eat. So, don’t do it all at once! Your breakfast should be light and nutritious and you should stop eating as soon as your hunger is moderately satisfied. Never overfill your stomach because after being without food for so long, it will go into overdrive if you overeat. You will feel sluggish, bloated and very uncomfortable indeed.

7. Experiment with different fasting times. Assess your lifestyle, work and family commitments to find the times that are best for you. Experiment with different fasting times before settling on a fasting schedule that suits your high activity and low activity days best.

8. Get a fasting app. Did you know that your phone can play a proactive role in your intermittent fasting? Fasting requires willpower, commitment and sticking to your schedule. A simple fasting app can help you stay on track.
A fasting app can do everything from organizing your fasting schedule, alerting you to mealtimes, helping you plan meals and even tracking your weight. There's a great variety of fasting apps available online for free and they are super-easy to use. If you're interested, check out the best fasting guide here: "Intermittent Fasting Formula"

9. Keep track of your progress. Tracking your progress is important to keep you motivated and excited about the changes you will experience. Nutrition experts recommend keeping a good journal. You can use it to record your feelings every few days as well as weight loss and other improvements you start to notice.

10. Enjoy yourself! Intermittent fasting is not a self-imposed punishment. Frankly, if this is the way you perceive it, your chances of making progress are slim. Instead, always look at intermittent fasting as your proactive choice for better health and wellbeing. Your mindset is what creates the line between success and failure.

If you have a positive and excited mindset, intermittent fasting can become an enjoyable experience.
